To learn more and sign up for the discussion, go here
To learn more and sign up for the discussion, go here
Do you agree that picky eaters aren't born, they're created? My kids are about to get home from school. I have this plate waiting for them!
When did your child first taste refined sugar or possibly their first cheese cracker? Depending on when we introduced them to some of the more processed foods is possibly when they began to become "picky". If we, from day one never allowed them to indulge in overly processed foods, then I bet you would have a much less "picky eater" on your hands. I know I would!
With my first child, nutrition was not as important as it is now. I'm still having to retrain my oldest son to consume nutrient rich FOODS. Do you remember the definition of food?
Food (noun) - any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth.
Parents, if it doesn't contain nutrition and promote life and growth, it's not FOOD! What are the common Un-food items that cause you or your kids problems? Let's encourage each other to focus on REAL FOOD and don't forget, there is Freedom in making this change. Take baby steps by trading one item at a time! IF you need my help, let me know! I'm here for you!
A great tool to have on hand is a VEGGIE TRAY like this one from Pampered Chef! Check it out here!
#nutrition #jerf #veggies #avocado #orange #gocustomfit#customfitaustin #healthyfood #foodasmedicine #foodasfuel
I offer a series of tools to my clients to assist in truth telling. After all, clients don't come to me so that I can sugar coat things and offer lip service, they come to accomplish results. Results are measured by a series of tools that tell the truth to my clients. A scale for example can be used as a truth teller. A measuring tape can be used to show body measurements. A Before/After Full body photo is another tool. Not all clients are motivated by or benefit from these types of tools and depending on the client I also offer a variety of Fit Tests, a Heart Check, as well as a Before/After Face Photo to name a few.
These tools help me show my client that progress is being made and today I used a good old fashioned seamstress measuring tape to tell the truth to 3 separate clients; all unique in their goals. After all, when is the last time a measuring tape lied to you?
21 INCHES - That is the number of combined inches that my 3 clients have lost over the past 2 months.
They are achieving their goals and all 3 left their session encouraged. Well, to be fully honest, one is still in a state of disbelief which requires an even deeper level of truth telling. The kind of truth telling that goes beyond hard evidence or black and white facts. This is when I offer Soul Training. Soul Training is where I get the opportunity to remind clients again and again how amazing they are today.
As a Personal Trainer, days like these are incredibly encouraging to me. Not only do I get to help clients achieve their goals, I get to remind them no matter what, they are strong, amazing and unique.
What is your truth teller for your health and fitness goals and who helps you on your journey?
Call me if you would like to discuss a customized plan for you.
More recently and in my line of work, this expression has often been jokingly used to describe effort that is required to endure an hour long training session or workout. While I don't prefer that my clients lose blood during a training session, I do get the opportunity to see my clients sweat most the time and be brought to tears some of the time.
You see, I ask people to do things they would not normally do on their own. I also push people to go beyond their comfort. I do this not only because I'm passionate about exercise and overall health but because I know that as human beings, we can learn, grow and accomplish more when we do what is oftentimes hard and uncomfortable. Good things come from hardship.
hardship (noun)
1.a condition that is difficult to endure; suffering; deprivation; oppression. instance or cause of this; something hard to bear, as a deprivation, lack of comfort, or constant toil or danger.
Over my 15 years in the fitness industry, I have witnessed bucketfuls of sweat. Sweat is expected. I remember teaching kickboxing classes to large groups of people where so much sweat fell to the ground that towels were required to wipe the floors during the class in an effort to prevent slipping!
Over the past 5 years, as a Personal Trainer, I've seen even more sweat but also I see tears. I'm often told that my training sessions are therapeutic. One client told me that coming to train was almost as beneficial as seeing her therapist. Clients often come to me with the weight of life and yet I still push them deeper, further and usually into a place of real discomfort. Occasionally clients feel safe enough to just let go and let tears come. Tears usually express deep, raw, real emotion and because life can be challenging and messy, hardships are a very real reality for many people. For me, training is so much more than making my clients squat low and push up. I get to look my clients in the eyes, listen and in the most gentle way say, "keep moving forward" and that my friends is enough to bring me to tears.
Let me know if you are interested in sweating with me! I promise tears are not required. However, if you do tear up, I will listen.
Hey Everyone! I HAVE A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! I have recently partnered with SFC FARMERS' MARKET to offer a Saturday morning BOOT CAMP at the SUNSET VALLEY FARMERS' MARKET!
Because I believe that Good Nutrition and Exercise are equally important to improve the function of the whole body, I am excited to offer a Boot Camp at our local Farmers' Market. I also believe that you won't achieve top results with your fitness until you are equally committed to eating well. Let your local Farmers' Market help you eat well!
Join me and others for a FUN "Boot Camp" style workout at Toney Burger Center, located at 3200 Jones Road Austin, TX 78745. We're calling it FARMERS' FIT CAMP and the first one is Saturday, Sept. 24th at 9am. Men and Women are welcome! Bring a water bottle and some friends! It's FREE but please REGISTER below.
SAVE THE DATE: Farmers' FIT Camp will also be offered October 15th and November 5, 12 and 19th! COME TO ALL, BUILD MUSCLE & COMMUNITY!!
I ran track in high school.
I was pretty fast. Not Olympics fast, by any means, but fast enough to run the 4X100 and 4X200 relays.
What I loved about track was that I could run fast alone, but to complete a relay race, there were 3 other people who were counting on my leg, my part of the race. During the 4X100, I ran the third leg: the curve. That was my thing. I loved to lean in to the left and speed along the curve.
The timing of the hand-off in a relay race is everything. You have to wait for your teammate to approach you and take off at the perfect time with the perfect speed. The moment you hear your team mate yell "STICK," your hand flies back while running at the perfect speed to grab hold. At that moment, you TAKE OFF . . . You do your part, run your leg of the race as fast as you can to the finish line or to hand off the baton to the next person. It's all about timing, it's all about running your fastest, but you can't run a relay without other people . . . It's just not possible.
Much like track, I like operating independently. I like to move fast, and if I'm honest, I like to do things my way. That is why, after 15 years of fitness experience with large companies and corporations, I decided it was time for me to start Bekah Self, LLC dba CustomFIT. But, much like a relay, I don't think it's possible to do it alone. I need others, and I think others need me. I need to learn more, grow more and experience more. I'm also here to cheer you on if you're new to the industry, and I would love to share what I've learned — and boy, have I learned a lot! I've learned things about myself and about the industry. But I'm curious about what you have leaned. What are you learning now?
If you are a LEADER in the industry of fitness, nutrition, wellness, functional medicine, etc., I would love for you to join BETTER TOGETHER: a group inspired by God's love for us.
“We love because He first loved us.”
We share because we love. We love because He first loved us by sending His only son to die on the cross for our sins. We share because of our desire to inspire and help others in the areas of health, wellness, fitness and nutrition. BETTER TOGETHER is a group for professionals, experts, educators and leaders committed to loving (and helping) others through fitness and nutrition because He first loved.
Think not only about how you can help other leaders, but how you can help those who may be less fortunate; those who would LOVE to have fitness or nutrition support. Think about those who may not even know the benefits of fitness or nutrition. Think of those who may not understand proper form or good nutrition.
Just yesterday, I returned from Haiti, a third-world country that is filled with waste (literally). A country that is poor, lost and broken. A country filled with beautiful people who need support, education, and most of all, JESUS! A country filled with witchcraft and "evil spirits," with sickness and early death. A country filled with beautiful people who smile so big, you want to explode!
One of my favorite experiences, and there were many, was when I was able to lead a group of Haitian kids aged 10-20 in a kickboxing class. This particular group of kids are called "Restaveks" which in creole means "to stay with." These children were sent by their parents' to work as a servant because of the parents inability to provide for the child. I have never taught a kickboxing class with an audience so joyful. I have never taught a class with an audience so eager for the next punch or kick or squat. I have never felt more joy in all of my 20 years of teaching. I wasn't paid to teach a class to these kids. I didn't do it for recognition or credits. I did it because it was a simple gift I could give to a group who have maybe never done a kickboxing class.
You see, Haitian people don't have variety: They have limited options. They have no Costco; they are happy if they make it to tomorrow. Literally, these group of kids call it a miracle if they live to see tomorrow. They have experienced so much hardship in their short lives.
“From oppression and violence he redeems their life, and precious is their blood in his sight.”
They are malnourished in many ways. Most Haitian people eat one meal a day and drink very limited water, not necessarily because they don't have access to water, but because they just don't drink it. They don't fully understand the benefits of water.
Water is essential: It hydrates, it replenishes, it flushes out impurities, it has many life giving benefits.
So is exercise.
And so is loving, helping, sharing.
You see, we are BETTER together. We can accomplish more if we work together. Let's be a team. Let's share.
Share best practices. Share inspiring stories. Share God's word. Share the love of Christ. Share with one another so that we can share with others who may be "less fortunate." I believe we have a lot to learn from the "less fortunate."
Are you a Leader in the Fitness, Nutrition, Wellness world? Are you interested in linking arms with others to help those who need help?
If so, join us. Let's be BETTER TOGETHER!
Message me on Facebook, shoot me a text or email. I'll send you more info.
You've heard it before: Don't skip the most important meal of the day. . . BREAKFAST!
It is so important to start your day off right with a nutritious and substantial breakfast. Research is showing that breakfast should make up 25% of our daily caloric intake. With 3 full meals and 2 snacks that make up your day, you don't want to skip the first meal that contains 25% of your nutrition! Be sure to get in your 16 oz of water in the morning, too — don't let coffee be an excuse for why you don't hydrate with good ol' H2O. Add half a lemon to increase the alkalinity of your water.
All of the ideas listed below are kid-friendly, so don't let your "kids" be an excuse as to why you can't make healthy choices. In reality, it should be quite the opposite: Because of your kids, you make healthy choices.
Finally, please avoid the sugary cereals or breakfast bars!
1. POP-EYE or "egg in a hole" — Add 1 tsp of ghee or coconut oil to a cast iron skillet. Using a glass, cut a hole out of 1 slice of Killer Dave's 21 Whole Grain Bread and toast in the skillet. Drop 1 egg in the hole, season, and cook to desired doneness.
2. SPINACH Popeye — Heat 1 tsp of coconut oil on high in a cast iron skillet. Cover the skillet with a nice layer of spinach. Do not stir spinach; let it cook while you dice one clove of garlic to add on top of spinach. Next, top with 1 or 2 eggs and cook until desired temperature of egg (runny or stiff). I will sometimes flip my egg to cook it through. It's not pretty, but it sure is tasty!
3. OATMEAL with Chia Seeds and/or Flax Seeds and Blueberries — I use Bob's Organic Steel Cut Oatmeal, and I usually cook them the night before and place in paper cups or bowls to make my mornings a little easier. *Add hemp seed for added protein and sliced almonds for added crunch. *Use minimal honey to sweeten up your oats!
4. GRAPEFRUIT with a side of TOAST & EGGS — Sprouted grain bread, scrambled egg and grapefruit. Spread some almond butter on that toast for added good fat!
5. FRITTATA — Prep onion, garlic and various veggies the night before by quick chopping and quick cooking them in ghee or coconut oil over medium heat. *You can also use leftover veggies from dinner the night before. The morning of, cover the bottom of skillet with 1-2 tsp of ghee or coconut oil and chopped veggies and top with 4 to 6 eggs (beaten). Reduce heat, top with small amount of parmesan cheese, cover with lid, and allow eggs to cook and cheese to melt. Serve with cilantro or fresh herbs, if desired.
* Portion size will vary between men and women, as well as size and goals. Google the food you consume to understand calories. For example, for the FRITTATA, you can estimate 2 scrambled eggs contain 200 calories, plus 1/4 cup of veggies at 25 calories. At 225 calories with a side of half a mango (100 cal), that could be a good breakfast for some. In order to get your breakfast to approximately 25% of your daily caloric intake, add half an avocado (161 cal).
* Add minimal salt to all these dishes.
* Other great starters include protein-packed lean meats (watch for sodium), avocados, green tea, and organic vegetable juices (beets with stems, carrots with stems, green apple).
Let me know if you need help with your nutrition. I may be available to assist you in making healthy changes to your meal habits!
Go customFIT!
When friends ask me what I eat, I always kinda stare back for a moment. I am in no way perfect in my nutrition, but I aim to be conscious of what I put in my body, and though I may have a cheat meal here and there, I listen to my body and respond accordingly. My family and friends who know me well know I'm not overly rigid. I try not to let food become an "idol," so to speak. In the past, I have been more rigid, and I let it stress me out rather than "fill me up." Below are a few reasons why I don't follow recipes and why I'm less about following the new trend diet and more about lifestyle changes.
1. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. My body talks to me; sometimes it even YELLS at me! When I eat quickly, it SCREAMS! When I eat rich and/or greasy foods — well, let's just say I rarely eat these kinds of foods anymore. If your body doesn't talk to you after you drink a coke or eat a greasy burger with fries, then might I suggest you either aren't slowing down to listen to your body, or maybe your body is so accustomed to eating this way that its scream is muffled by other emotions of temporary satisfaction. Consuming processed and high fat foods, artificial anything, and possibly dairy or gluten should get your body talking. Are you listening? Our body knows how to process greens, vegetation, fruits, nuts, most meats and grains. But our body either doesn't know what to do with GMOs (genetically modified organisms), processed foods, refined flour, etc., or it doesn't fully satisfy or benefit us. Though I do consume a burger from time to time, my body is pretty sensitive, and I attribute that to consuming mostly vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, lean meats and whole grains. For example, after I have eaten fatty meats, sweets or heavy carbohydrates, all I want to do is bathe in veggie juice. Slow down and listen to your body. Now, how will you respond to it?
2. MAKE FOOD AND EAT LEFTOVERS. Some people hate leftovers. I love them. When I cook up my salmon from Whole Foods, I make enough to feed my family of 5 and enough to either share with a neighbor or wrap in foil and save for later. Yes, you can freeze cooked salmon, and it tastes pretty good the second time around, but then again, I'm not too picky.
Broccoli contains vitamins C and K, fiber, calcium, folate, beta-carotene, lutein, etc.
3. DON'T BE PICKY. Picky eaters are for toddlers; that's it. Once you turn 4, you can no longer be picky. Get over it, and eat your broccoli. For the record, broccoli is one of my least favorite veggies to eat — BUT I figured out a way to make it delicious, thanks to Rachel Ray. Cut it lengthwise (with stem), drizzle it with EVOO (of course) and balsamic vinegar, and roast it in the oven (400 F). Add S&P. So, even though I'm not crazy for broccoli, I buy it and I eat it. Fortunately, Skyler and Elijah LOVE broccoli, so there is no way around it! :)
How do you prepare your least favorite
vegetable to make it delicious? Seriously, I want to know!
Best answer wins bragging rights!
4. THINK OF FOOD AS FUEL rather THAN PLEASURE. Ask yourself the question, "What does my body need right now in order to conquer this day?" Cereal with almond milk and a cup of coffee is not the best answer. A better answer is a tall glass of water, sautéed spinach in coconut oil topped with two eggs, garlic and cherry tomatoes. For lunch today, I ate my leftover salmon from the night before, a grapefruit and some nuts. Tonight, I will go out to dinner because my daughter has a performance at 6pm, and with 3 kids, we need to "keep it real" and simple. Though convenient, eating out can be difficult nutritionally. Try to stick to the salad options, or a la carte it appetizer-style. I always order Brussels sprouts when on the menu. As hungry as you may be, steer clear of the heavy plates, and if the timing works, eat a small amount at the restaurant and then head home to fill up on something more nutritional and satisfying. Don't think of your dining-out experience as your last meal ever (unless it is); continue the train of thought, "What does my body need right now?" I have a love for cooking shows. Seriously, my kids and I curl up and watch a cooking show quite often. I could watch Jacques Pepin every day, and I have a bit of a crush on Alton Brown. I still enjoy Alton's show, Good Eats — he's a big nerd, but in his show, he helps break down the science behind different foods. He wrote up an interesting list of what to consume daily, weekly or never.
What nutritious foods do you eat every day?
5. AVOID FILLER FOOD. I call pretzels, Goldfish, chips, etc. "filler food." It is the in-between food that you want to fill you up, but it never does. It never satisfies! Don't buy them, and yes, your kids will LIVE without them! I promise. I usually have tortilla chips in the pantry and an occasional non-GMO grain cracker. And yes, I do purchase the other ones on occasion . . . so my kids don't eat all the neighbors' Goldfish. But, for crying out loud, I hate filler food!
6. WHY I DON'T FOLLOW RECIPES. I try to let nutrition lead, rather than a recipe. I'm practical, resourceful, intentional and creative. When a recipe calls for heavy whipping cream or a stick of butter or 2 tablespoons of sugar, my tummy begins to cry, so I skip the recipe and search my kitchen for inspiration. I keep my kitchen stocked with onions, carrots, garlic, celery, spinach, etc. Colorful veggies and fruit fill my kitchen (and yes, fruit flies abound, unfortunately). So, when someone asks what I eat, I kinda stare back at them because I rarely make the same thing twice, and I usually let my veggies take the lead. For example, I picked up the thickest, most plump eggplant (though technically a fruit) yesterday, and to me, eggplant tastes best with tomatoes, onions and garlic. I take my eggplant down the Italian road or up the Indian path. I let my imagination run wild with where that plump purple vegetable can take me. The possibilities are endless! Eggplant parmesan (minus the bread crumbs) is delicious! I also chop eggplant in small cubes and add it to a colorful dish of sautéed onions, garlic, peppers, squash, potatoes, etc. I add tomato sauce or tomatoes and tons of Indian seasoning. To make it creamy, you can add plain greek yogurt! Serve with quinoa or cauliflower rice.
One of my family's favorite meals is my Kitchen-Sink Meat-Love Balls: I know, such a funny name, and since I never follow recipes, it is never exactly the same. Elijah, my middle, calls my meatloaf "meat love" because he LOVES it! I make the gooey mixture into meatballs and cook them in olive oil over high heat in my cast iron skillet. After getting a nice brown coating, I finish cooking the balls on a cookie sheet in the oven (350 F) for 10-15 additional minutes.
I throw everything in my meatloaf, other than the "Kitchen Sink":
I chop up tons of veggies (usually any and all veggies I have on hand) using my Cuisinart food processor: carrots, onion, garlic, Brussels sprouts, sweet pepper, cilantro, etc. — it all goes in a large bowl. Next, I add the meat, usually a combo of ground turkey, elk and hamburger. I eyeball everything and apologize to the person reading this wanting exact directions. I have no clue. My veggie-to-meat ratio is about 1:1, so for example, 3 cups of chopped veggies to 3 cups of ground meat. Then, I add salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, 2 eggs and gluten free crackers to help it bind and absorb the moisture.
How do you cook up your nutritonal meals? What works for you?
Do you need a recipe, or would you be wiling to shop your local grocery store for in-season produce and come home with a blank slate?
Imagine that. . . The opportunities could be endless, and yes, also disastrous!
Take it one simple step at a time and share your success with me!
I'm going to get pretty personal here with you all. . . So, here goes! I have a minivan. I don't LOVE my minivan. . . I mean with 3 kids ages 9 and under, it's super practical, but I'm not gonna lie. . . I would feel much cooler driving a Tahoe or sporty SUV.
no, she doesn't have a name...
At this very moment, my lovely minivan that my husband and I purchased used 6 or 7 years ago is in the shop in need of some major repairs — like, thousands of dollars of repairs, and I thought, here's my chance to convince my husband (who couldn’t care less what he drives, unlike most men and reason #23,503 why I love him) that it was time to trade in my minivan with its 160,000 miles for a NEW, Shiny, COOL SUV! I even joked with Tom, our auto repair guy, about a way we could convince my husband that it was time to trade her in. He actually agreed that it may be a good time, too. So, after I brought it up to Brandon, I was sure he would at least think about it. . . But, he didn't. Not even for a minute! He quickly reminded me that the minivan was still a great car and had about 3 to 5 more years in it. I was bummed, but I knew he was right. I checked the trade-in value online and figured I could maybe get $5,000, if I was lucky. So, I’ll stick with my minivan and be happy with it. After the repairs, she runs great, and at least she still has a nice body!
My cute parents 20-ish years ago!
Now, let’s talk about my body. . . Eek! Before I dive in, let me tell you a little bit about my parents. I have awesome parents who are healthy, fit and active for the most part. They take care of their bodies by eating well and exercising on occasion. So, as you can see from the picture, I have good genes, but that doesn’t always guarantee a perfect body or exceptional health. I exercise, and I work hard! I also choose to eat nutritionally-rich foods most of the time and enjoy veggies almost as much as I enjoy a slice of cake! Seriously, it’s weird. (My mom taught me to eat the rainbow, and I don't mean Skittles!) So I am very pleased with my body, thanks to God, good genes and my effort. As I jumped back into the fitness world after having 3 babies, I entered a bit naive. I was teaching group fitness classes and boot camps, and I would often find myself comparing myself to the woman in spandex nearby, who was a little stronger, leaner, tighter or perkier, etc. I didn’t struggle for very long, and thankfully, I have never struggled with an eating disorder, but there was one particular area that I was super focused on changing. Other friends and moms went under the knife, but should I? My husband consistently responded with, “Babe, I love your body the way it is today!” He never once complained. So I decided to stop talking about it, although I continued to struggle from time to time with being content in my post-baby body. I joked about it to some ladies and confessed to close friends about my struggle. My close friends would listen to and encourage me. My husband would remind me of truth found in scripture, like Psalms 139:14 where David, a man after God’s own heart, says to the Lord, “I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.” God didn’t make a mistake with my body. He doesn’t make mistakes. Wonderful are His works.
My loudest truth teller, Brandon.
This past weekend, I watched the movie Age of Adeline (starring Blake Lively) with my husband and his parents, and it was a cute story of a beautiful, young woman who for some silly reason is incapable of aging. (SPOILER ALERT: I’m about to tell you how it ends. . . ) At the very end of the movie, she celebrates a simple gray hair. Drop dead gorgeous, Blake Lively, who may never give into her grays in real life, was elated by a single strand of gray hair. Like I said, the movie was cute, but that message was pretty profound. The movie displayed aging in a whole new light. We should WANT to age. Wrinkles will come, grays will eventually not be covered with hair dye, and our bodies will look older. Watch this video and see how one young couple reacts to seeing what they'll look like at 90.
It’s called LIFE . . . and I want to LIVE! I want to age, grow wiser and even look the part. I hope that the voice of "you are beautiful as you are" is louder than "you need this to make yourself look better and younger." Is that just too hard for us ladies? Do we all struggle with comparison? You may struggle less with comparing yourself to the woman beside you physically, but how about status or title or power or maybe for other reasons? I believe that "Comparison is the thief of JOY" (Theodore Roosevelt), and I think we all need to speak up and encourage one another. Let's be real and open about these topics. I do believe that each woman will choose to do different things to alter or enhance her outward appearance, but for me, I’ve decided that surgery is not an option. I am learning to love what aging brings, even though I’m not jumping up and down about a new gray hair. My kids are growing and learning and maturing. My love for my husband is amazingly rich as we recently celebrated 12 years.
Logan - 9, Skyler - 4, Elijah - 7
My friendships are steady and meaningful. My relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the most important relationship in my life. He is giving me courage to speak up on topics like this, even now.
So, even though I will continue to fight this urge to trade in my body for a new shiny cool one, and I will continue to struggle with body image and comparison, among other things (yes, I'm in need of my Savior daily), I hope that I will struggle well and overcome small daily victories, and if along the way I can encourage one other woman . . . it will be a good day!
Most of us want to look young and attractive. It is in our nature to want to look good and feel good. We usually avoid things that make us uncomfortable or unattractive, and thankfully, there are healthy choices we can make to help us look and feel good. Exercising regularly and eating nutritionally-rich foods are two choices that are accessible to most people. Exercise keeps us fit and active. Just last week, I ran with a woman in her 70s during my run club. Let me just say, she didn't seem a day over 45. She inspired me. There are plenty of foods that are nutritionally rich for us to eat, and there are foods, beverages and other substances that age us and make us sick: fatty foods, processed foods, excessive alcohol, sugar, etc. You can choose to avoid the bad and consume the good. Though there are potions, pills, surgeries and plenty of ways to look and feel good, I will simply encourage you to exercise if you are able to, and eat well.
Let me know if you want my help with training and/or a nutrition plan. I would love to encourage you, and I would love to hear your story! Let's together encourage one another to "look beyond the mirror."
Phone: 512-650-9356
#aging, #bodyimage, #beautyisheartdeep, #comparison, #nutrition, #exercise
Moms, where did we learn that snacks had to be in a package? At my home, my kids know that snack consists of veggies, fruit, hummus, nuts or the occasional "left over" from last nights dinner. They usually opt for an orange and a few veggies with hummus but to this day they beg for a SNACK that comes in a package.
This is what I say. No - and I offer them the good stuff. They may complain or compare to what their friends get for snacks but that's ok. I will stay firm until their love for fresh fruits and produce develops.
On a special occasion day, we may go get some frozen yogurt as a treat.
Toss the package and instead toss your kid a bell pepper! Help them expand their taste buds by exposing them to all the colorful treats that grow naturally rather than processed foods that come out of factories touched by machines and hands.